Guided tour: Science and human dignity

Dato: 08.09.2024


During a tour of the Leprosy Museum St. Jørgen's hospital you will learn about leprosy and its spread. You will not only learn about the efforts to fight the disease through mapping, building institutions, legislation and medical research, but also reflect on the connection between disease and social conditions, and how diseases can affect social relationships. Among the many individuals who have lived parts of their lives at St. Jørgens Hospital, there are stories of stigma and separation, but also of strong family ties, unity and contact with the city's inhabitants. A walk through the well-preserved main building and the church in this unique cultural monument will give an impression of daily life here for many thousands of residents until 1946.

Guided tour in English. Duration 45-60 minutes. Meeting point at the museum entrance.

Bestill billetter

Salget er avsluttet nå Sunday, 08 September 2024
  • Wednesday, 15. May 2024 - Sunday, 08. September 2024
  • 13:30 — 14:20
  • Lepramuseet St. Jørgens Hospital
    Lepramuseet St. Jørgens Hospital
    5017, BERGEN
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